Have you wondered about the best way to add stretching to your end-of-ride recovery routine? The therapists at downtown Vancouver's ProStretch Therapy Clinic, part of Electra Health, are eager to improve your knowledge and limberness!
Effective immediately, all active 2021 Gastown Cycling Club members may take advantage of an initial, 25-minute session with one of Electra's registered kinesiologist/ProStretch therapists, for $20 (a 75% discount!). Once hooked, members can enjoy additional sessions at a 25% discount throughout the 2021 ride season.

To take advantage of this new resource, visit Electra's ProStretch website to read more, and then click the 'BOOK YOUR APPOINTMENT ONLINE NOW' button.
Scroll down to find the stretch therapists
Book an appointment with either Dylan or Liam for an "individual stretch therapy session without package"
Report back - Club members would love to hear about your experience!